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Numerous hotels in the area, click to view their location
Featherston 138a Fitzherbert...
Featherston 19 Park Road,...
Featherston 61 East Street,...
Featherston 61-63 Waite Street,...
Featherston 61-63 Waite Street
Featherston 37 Johnston Street,...
Featherston 37 Johnston Street...
Featherston 4 Fitzherbert...
Featherston 4 Fitzherbert Street
Featherston 290 High St,...
Featherston 36 Hoeke Road,...
Featherston Omarere Road 55,...
Featherston 187 High Street...
Featherston 32 Sackville St,...
Featherston 99 Fitzherbert Street
Featherston 126 Longwood East...
Featherston 22 Revans Street,...
Featherston 22 Revens St,...
Featherston 22 Revans Street
Featherston 4 Admiral Road,...