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Numerous hotels in the area, click to view their location
Haruru 2 Ash Grove Circle,...
Haruru 678 Puketona Rd, Haruru
Haruru 93a Yorke Road, Haruru...
Haruru 93a Yorke Road 0204...
Haruru 24 Goffe Drive, Haruru
Haruru 9 Causeway Road, Haruru
Haruru 18 Goffe Drive Haruru...
Haruru 336 Puketona Road, Haruru
Haruru 3 Kaipatiki Rise, Haruru
Haruru 846 Puketona Road 0200...
Haruru 4 Ash Grove Circle
Haruru 838 Puketona Road 0204...
Haruru 66 Haruru Falls Rd, Haruru
Haruru 651a Puketona Road, Haruru
Haruru 651a Puketona Road